Posts Tagged ‘cherkasov’

May 2011

Assets probed in Russian lawyer’s killing


The people responsible for killing Russian lawyer Sergey Magnitsky have stolen money in European accounts, his former boss says.

Bill Browder, head of Hermitage Capital Management, and his staff have spent a year hunting the assets of Russian officials exposed in a $250 million tax fraud by Magnitsky soon before he was jailed, the EUObserver reports.

Magnitsky died under suspicious circumstances in police custody Nov. 16, 2009, after almost a year in prison.

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May 2011

Magnitsky and The Mentality Of the Siloviki

The Moscow Times

A new conflict broke out between the Interior Ministry and the British hedge fund Hermitage Capital when a Moscow court Wednesday ordered the arrest of Ivan Cherkasov, a Hermitage partner who has lived in Britain since 2006.

The case against Cherkasov was presented in court by Interior Ministry investigator Oleg Silchenko.

Silchenko’s involvement in this case is an affront to President Dmitry Medvedev’s efforts to attract foreign investors, clean up the police force and protect business from the extortion of “law enforcers.”

Silchenko’s name first surfaced in 2007, when he led a case against Manana Aslamazyan, then-head of Internews International in Russia. Internews trained more than 15,000 regional journalists.

Aslamazyan was caught after she passed through customs at a Moscow airport with slightly more than the limit of $10,000, which she did not declare. This minor offense is usually punishable with a small fine, but Silchenko and colleagues turned it into an attack against Internews. The NGO had to close after its financial documents were seized by investigators.

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May 2011

Russian Court Sanctions Arrest of Hermitage Executive Cherkasov (updated with corrections)

The Other Russia

Update: This article has been corrected from earlier versions. Please see statement below. We apologize for any misunderstanding.

Moscow’s Tverskoy Court has sanctioned a warrant to arrest Hermitage Capital Management executive Ivan Cherkasov in absentia, reports.

Interior Ministry investigator Oleg Silchenko had announced on May 3 that he was seeking the arrest of Cherkasov, a colleague of deceased lawyer Sergei Magnitsky who has lived in London since 2006, on the basis that the Hermitage Capital executive has failed to pay 2 billion rubles in taxes.

Cherkasov’s lawyers asked the judge to delay the court hearing for several days to give them time to study court materials and prepare their defense with Cherkasov himself. However, as lawyer Aleksandr Antipov told the BBC’s Russian service, this request was denied with no explanation as to why.

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May 2011

Play Based on Magnitsky’s Death to Premiere in US

The Other Russia

A play based on the death of anti-corruption lawyer Sergei Magnitsky is set to stage its North American premiere in Washington, DC on May 4, 2011.

The play, called “One Hour Eighteen,” is a highly acclaimed production based on excerpts from Magnitsky’s personal diary. As has been the case in Moscow since premiering last June, the play will be followed by a group discussion.

Sergei Magnitsky’s tragic death has become a symbol for those working to further human rights and the rule of law in Russia today. After uncovering a $230 million tax fraud case implicating a variety of Russian officials, bankers, and members of the mob, Magnitsky was arrested and placed in a Moscow detention facility. After eleven months of being denied proper medical care, he died without ever seeing trial in November 2009. What followed was an unprecedented global outcry demanding justice for what, upon closer inspection, appeared to be a case of premeditated murder. While a still-ongoing independent inquiry ordered by Russian President Dmitri Medvedev concluded last week that Magnitsky’s jailing and treatment was illegal, no charges have been filed in the case.

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May 2011

Investigator in Magnitsky Case Asks for New Hermitage Arrest

The Moscow Times

An investigator implicated in the death of Hermitage Capital lawyer Sergei Magnitsky has requested the arrest of another Hermitage employee, the investment fund said Tuesday.

Oleg Silchenko of the Interior Ministry’s Investigative Committee has asked Moscow’s Tverskoi District Court to authorize the arrest of London-based Ivan Cherkasov, 42, in connection with the same tax evasion case that led to Magnitsky’s arrest in 2008, Hermitage said in an e-mailed statement.

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May 2011

Magnitsky case police officials seek London arrest

The Independent

Russian police officials accused of running an extortion racket want to arrest a London-based businessman on tax evasion charges.

Hermitage Capital, a British investment fund which used to be the largest portfolio investor in Russia until it was hit by a major tax scam, said today that Interior Ministry officials in Moscow were seeking an arrest warrant for Ivan Cherkasov, 41, a senior executive at the company’s UK offices.

Similar charges were brought against Sergei Magnitsky, a whistle-blowing Moscow lawyer who was hired by Hermitage Capital to investigate corrupt state officials. He ended up dying in custody in a case that has become an international cause celebre for those campaigning against official corruption inside Russia.

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